HOW TO KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT AND WRONG IN BREATH MANAGEMENT Place a balloon between your lips, holding it in place with your teeth. Sing normally but with less emphasis on consonants. If the balloon gets inflated and pops up often, it means you are letting out excess breath. What you have to do is convert your breath to sound by allowing the head to the job of resonating and allowing the pressure on of the air on your vocal folds happen freely. There should be absolute closure of your folds; you know when this happens when you hear a 'click' sound in your ear area. The Hyoid bones anchoring the tongue and connected to the larynx is around the ear region. Have a humming background on every vowel produced, this activates the head space and converts breath to sound. Your abdominal muscles should maintain a stance that can be likened to holding your urine intermittently while using the bathroom.