
Showing posts from April, 2019


LEGATO AND SUSTAINANCE This is one exercise I love and perform regularly! Its a mix of notes in the low and higher octaves. Take in a deep breath (allow your lower lungs expand noticeably) then with steady pressure sound these notes (in an undetached flow= LEGATO) without taking in (a snatch) breath till the end! Its quite challenging yet very rewarding. Give it a try and leave a comment. P/S: You can start by stepping up the tempo to save your lifeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #singers


THE "O" EXERCISE These days most singers strive to sound higher than their normal range in a bid to sound like a star they listen to. This is unhealthy. Work hard to sound like #YOU .And if you discover that you sound too nasal (singing, with the nose as a major sound outlet) here is an exercise that will help. EXERCISE Sing through any song of your choice,instead of singing with your lips flaccid,forming each word, you keep it in a static "O" ,this means the vowel may be replaced with the letter "O". You will find out that the sound, becomes heavy regardless of the key or octave. This exercise helps relax the jaw,the soft palate and the tongue, preparing it for proper balanced singing. You can also apply a slight pouting in your mouth space to enrich your sound in performance. Try it now and comment below!


DEAR DAIRY Milk creates and leaves a thick layer of phlegm on your vocal colds,and eventually make you sound less than expected. Don't get me wrong,milk is good nutrition but as a singer who is always on the milk stand/on stage or in the studio, milk is not the friendliest liquid you can absorb, it won't damage your vocal cords but gradually its residue will leave a hitch in your flow. When ever you have the urge to take dairy, always gargle with warm water with a slice of lemon. Don't over do the citrus, its known to dry out the vocal area.


ACT IT A common problem with many singers when they try to find out how to improve singing is that they may sing too high or too low. To control this try raising your arms and smile when you need to hit a high note. The smile will offset people's confusion as to why you're raising your arms and they will think its part of the act. If you've got to hit an extremely high note don't cross your fingers and hope you'll get there simply close your eyes and turn your face up slightly.