
Showing posts from July, 2019


The exercise I'm demonstrating is very weird, funny and eventually silly. But what it does for you is it sets your soft palate free and allows the bottom of the tongue not to stiffen but remains flaccid. This is how to produce a stress free and balanced tone as well as reach the heights. *NOTE* The tongue is not nothing out of the mouth space its rather making the inner space its comfortable home. Try it like,share and drop a comment.


HOW TO DESTROY YOUR VOICE 1) Choose a song that you are not familiar with. 2) Make sure the song has complex vocal movements that you are not familiar with. 3) Be sure that the singer's range is not yours (and you have never tried to extend your range in that direction) 4) Don't rehearse. 5) Don't warm up. 6) Feel confident that all things are possible to him who believes(like #usainbolt going for #serenawilliams🎾 #tournaments 🙄) 7) Take iced beverages while you wait to perform the song. Then thank me later!😂😂😂


STRANGE EXERCISE Through out the ages, singers have wondered how and why this exercise is so effective and easily accessible but difficult to accomplish. It will take a lot of will power and focus to make it have its full course in your body. It demands a shut down of your system,physically and psychologically. And a times it may mean your hurting others and/or a rigid schedule but its worth the risk. Your voice will benefit from it as will other parts of your body as a machine. I recommend this exercise to singers all over the world. Its simple and could be short or long. The Most beneficial and strange exercise called REST!