FOOD FOR SONG...FOOD FOR THOUGHT "Drink raw eggs and your voice will be perfect" I guess you have heard that a lot. Well singers who fall prey often come to me with complaints of vomiting or general nausea afterwards. This is because raw eggs contain salmonella which can be harmful to ones general health and cause irritation on the vocal folds(due to excess vomiting). I would not say #don't take it I would admonish you #KNOW YOUR BODY. Also, as singers we hear alot about what to/ not to take to enhance vocal performance. But here are my submissions: 1) Eat what you desire but time them after knowing the rate at which they digest(following the chart below) and when you are to perform. 2) Take foods that go down well with you. Some people don't go well with certain food/fruit types. Personally I can't stand study your body before ingesting anything. 4) Honey, ginger and lime should be a staple in your meal plan 3) Finally, the only thing I may say ...