I have been singing for over thirty years and have observed and gained enough experience to help me shape any upcoming or established singer in his /her art.Most of the tips and exercises I share are birthed from personal experience with or obsetvations. The testimonials if those who adhere to them have been positive since 1994 when I started coaching singers.
Every week I will be sharing a few with you.Your feedback will be appreciated.

1. If you find out your vocal output is mostly nasal , you can apply the "bee - buzz ".  This technique creates a buzz(like that of the   bee)  in the inner mouth/head space and then applies it to all vowel production... Any question on this? Feel free to ask!

2. Please read below....
Student : Please how do I massage my throat internally without poking my fingers in there?
JVC: It's simple! Try pronouncing the words  "kay" and "gay"  without sound(almost whispering) in quick succession, with rounded inner mouth space.

3. Please note that the intake of sugar and salt, quickens saliva production;and frequent swallowing during performance makes your art clumsy and patched. So curtail the consumption of the two substances during performance season(s)

4. Do you know that a switch in season (Harmattan to dry to rainy season) causes a change in vocal production? So don't blame it on a demon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚it's just nature.
You want to know how to sail through the change?

 5. 95% of a songs' worth is in the vowel production! Please take adequate time out to study and understand the role of vowel sounds in singing;mastery  of vowels in the act of singing will give you an edge over other singers. The heart and soul of a vocal piece is in the proper production of the vowel sounds, while the consonant takes the other space.
Please feel free to ask questions on vowel production.


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